I just left Sunday service and I feel so
WONDERFUL! I made it to Sunday school, and stayed after service for an informational for a Women's group. I'm happy that Micah loves Sunday school as much as I do. I loved Sunday school as a kid. My mom was one of the Sunday school teachers for the Youth Department. I had three great teachers and when I got older, I taught the younger kids a few times. It's good for your kids because it teaches them God's word in a way that's fun and on their level. There were really great discussions and debates that we had in Sunday school that we weren't able to talk about at the regular service. We shared everything from what test we were stressed out about, to the kid we didn't like and why. These talks became great opportunities for the teachers to see what was on our minds and then to create lessons that could pinpoint how our faith works for us in those situations.What kids need most is for someone to answer their questions and to make God relevant to the things that are important to them. I heard on one of my favorite radio stations (104.7 The Fish) this week, and they mentioned that children are under an extraordinary amount of stress. They had an expert on that explained that today's average 8 year old is equivalent to a 13 year old! I don't know about you dear reader, but that's shocking and disturbing! For that reason alone I could wage a case on the importance of Sunday school, but I won't. Instead I'll tell you this from my son Micah: God will never leave us or forsake because his love endures forever. This partial scripture and inspirational thought was accompanied with a lovely picture of our family and a really good looking turkey that he drew in class today. For some kids, what they learn now can carry them a life time. It's true for me, I love Sunday school and learning more about the God who loves me and just how much he does. You're never too old to learn that, and guess what? You're never too young either........Just a thought, but a Lovely one.
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