My Thoughts for the New Year has been mostly on my family. Of course I have personal goals, but I've been thinking of what kind of family makes God smile? Certainly one that takes all of the encouraging words and biblical principles learned at church and are able to exercise them daily. Right away even( and believe me, our church parking lot is a testing ground of patience for my kids if there is no juice cup and snack in sight,lol) I want to be the BEST wife and mother possible. No easy feat for an imperfect perfectionist. I love to read stories of other wives and mothers who raised EXTRAordinary children in sometimes regular circumstances. Right now I'm reading a book called "Mothers of Influence: Inspiring Stories of Women who made a Difference in Their Children and Their World". How amazing would that be? not only to make profound impact on the lives of your own children, but as a result of their upbringing, make a positive effect globally. I know that this goal is a lofty one, but it's one that I think is definitely worth reaching for. What if Every mother reached for this same goal? What kind of legacy or imprint would that leave on society? I know that most mothers want what's best for their children, but I'm challeging myself to go the extra mile. Our Boys may be the next Billy Graham, Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, or William Wilberforce. It's funny, but when I think of the kind of Mother that I want to be, it's a dynamic combination of My Loving Mommy Thelma,Caroline Ingalls (Laura Ingalls Wilder's mom), Claire Huxtable (Phylicia Rashad from the Cosby show), The Pastor's wife of My church from childhood(Mary Scott) and of course the Proverbs 31 woman.....I know what you're probably thinking, but what can I say? Some women dream of being a size 2, others want to own more shoes than Nordstroms( not a bad Idea acutally, if you have the space...wink) some want to be CEO's. I think all of that's great, but for this year, I'm thinking more along the lines of a warm, caring, and attentive home . I wonder what my little treasures that God has given me to raise will become? Athletes,Scientists,Firefighters, Authors,Ministers.......Only God knows, and as long as I trust him and put them in his hands, and keep my two hands together in prayer I feel confident that my goal is attainable. In the words of Anne Klein "Clothes aren't going to change the World, the women who wear them will." I hope you'll become one of the Moms for morality that not only wears high heels, but reaches new heights for motherhood everywhere!.....Just a thought, but a Lovely one.
Lovely idea:If you're interested in finding out more about the book I'm reading, you can click on the link below
I just found your blog via Cindy at My Romantic Home. God bless your endeavors to be the best mom and wife that God intended you to be!
One of my very favorite quotes comes from a man I greatly admire:
ReplyDelete"Everything I am or hope to be I owe to my mother."
Abraham Lincoln
We are the first and always lasting influence.
Be blessed.
I love this post and I LOVE your blog! I know what you are talking about. As a single mother of a twenty year old son, I remember asking God when he was born to just teach me how to raise him. God has truly been good for these past 20 years. I remember making the decision a long time ago that it was more important for me to live for Jesus in front of my son and influence him to live a life for Christ. I thank God every day for His grace and mercy, I could not have possibly done it without Him.
ReplyDeleteI made the decision to live a life of purity and holiness. I dedicated my entire life to Christ. This is what I wanted for my son. I would have Bible study with him everyday. And let me tell you it payed off. I taught him about purity with his body and how to honor God because his body was the temple of the Holy Spirit. And It's so funny, but I got talked about, people thought I was weird, and would you believe these were so called Christians. They thought I was strange because I home schooled him (from 6th grade to 12th grade), he went to church every Sunday and Bible study on Wednesday. It didn't matter what they said about me. If I was weird for Jesus, then that's alright with me. Today, I am humbly thankful to the Lord. My son is 20 year old College student, he is still honoring his body for the Lord and for his future wife. He attends college Bible study every Thursday and church every Sunday. God is real. Just like God's words promises, Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6 ) It wasn't always easy, had some hard time, but because of my faith in the Lord He pulled me through! Thank you Jesus! God Bless you and your beautiful family! I know God has got great plans for your little ones. It's just awesome to see God work through your children. Wishing you much success! Thanks for joining my blog, I joined yours too! :)
God Bless,
p.s. sorry so long
Ms. Charmaine, I can't believe that I'm just now reading your comment! For some reason it didn't come up right away. I've been away from my blog for so long.....I want to thank you and all of the ladies for your words of encouragment. It means alot to know that there are other mothers out there who feel the same way I do. Motherhood isn't always easy, but it can be extremley rewarding. Thanks ladies!