The boys waiting for the race to begin
Proud Daddy and Micah with the winning car They built together
A close-up of the car
Micah jumping up as his car races to the finish line
(he's the one on the end with the red and blue coat, and the "surprised facial expression(smile)
Who's the Man! (This is the cutest AND the funniest pic ever! giggle)
and later that day onto soccer!
Running with ball
Great stop Micah!
Despite the FREEZING weather, He played like a Champ!
I have to say, this weekend was Super busy, but SO much fun. I was SO proud of Micah. Not only for winning, but for the way he won. He didn't boast or brag, he came home as if nothing had happened at all. He was more concerned for his friends feelings(some of them didn't take losing that well) then he was winning. His confident, yet casual and humble attitude made me rethink things. As a Mom, we're SO prepared sometimes to hug and wipe away tears if our child is dissappointed, but how well do we handle their success? Micah was so mature about it. Don't get me wrong, he was excited, but he carried it off in such a great way. On the way to soccer practice I asked him "How do you feel being a winner"? and he said "Good, but I just hope my friends don't feel bad, and that they win too". How great is that? How often are we concerned about the feelings of others when God gives us something we REALLY want? I was humbled by his answer. What a great kid! He gets to compete at district in a few weeks and only God knows if he'll win, but to me, he already has a heart of a Champ....and that Dear readers, is a Lovely thought!
Next week I'll have great pics of my other little heart-stealer, Zion, and his first days of school.
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