
Friday, October 2, 2009

The value of a spiritual education

Today I wanted to talk a little bit about the goals we've placed on education. There has been a phenomenal increase of adults returning to school to receive an higher education while most college students are beginning to complete their Masters at record rates before even entering into the work force. While all of these efforts are certainly ones to be applauded I had to ask the question: With all of the emphasis being placed on acquiring knowledge and life skills how good of a job are we doing with balancing our kids formal education with their biblical education? The point of this inquiry is not to bash the school system or the importance of the work place, but simply to push us to ask ourselves this: who's job is it to teach our kids about God? church, sunday school (for those of us who actually make it..wink, wink) If our kids are learning "life skills" at school when are they being taught "life principles". The art of not only coping, but living life with a purpose other than just to get a 9-5 and to receive a paycheck. What seeds are we planting in our children today that makes them know that they need God for more than just a Sunday visit. There's a big difference between preparing you child for life and for "Eternal" life. I'm certainly not opposed to reading, writing, and arithmetic, and good grades are expected in my household. The thing that I really try to impart in my kids is a knowledge of who God is and a sincere love for him. I may not be able to answer every life question for them, but if I can connect them to the one (God) that does, then I feel that I've done my job. So, right after "regular" school homework, consider doing a little bible trivia or a mini bible study with your kids. You may be surprised at how much (or how little) they actually know. Just a Thought. Here's a list of some good children's bibles and books that I recommend:
God's Mighty Warrior Devotional Bible -Sheila Walsh
GiGi God's Little Princess Bible-Sheila Walsh
The One Year DEVOTIONS for Preschoolers-Crystal Bowman
The Manga Bible

*Good Idea: For every Christmas and Birthday add a new book from the Christian book store to your child's library. It may be as exciting as getting socks to them now, but like any necessity, it will be there for them when they really need it.

Question: How do you teach YOUR children about God?

1 comment:

  1. This is a vital topic/concern and one that has been radiating in my heart since I've had my son. I know God's ever important role in my life and desire for my son (and future children) to know Him in a sincerely close way--even more so, from a very early age. I want my son to hear God's voice, know God's presence, and be led by His spirit and wisdom in all he does. You can read Biblical books and Bibles to your children, which is a wonderful necessity, they can go to Sunday School, and you can pray together, but the cry of my heart has been "what more can I do to introduce my child to God--to really, really know Him for himself and not just know about Him? I want to do more!" Soon after that cry out (literally!), God showed me that our children learn and pick up on what they see us do more so than what they hear us say (although talking/teaching is very very important too). The revelation is that it is important for us as parents to have quality alone time with God and live a life wholly unto Him, and everything that we do our kids will see and repeat, and therefore experience Him themselves. As my son sees me worship, sees me pray, sees me read, hears me talk about God, and hears the relevancy of what God does in our lives as we share testimonies on an everyday and regular basis, sees my husband and I love each other, give each other grace, see us react to situations and when we make mistakes, own up to them and be forgiving, then they too can and will learn and grow to have a sincere relationship with God. All of the above, along with sound teaching without being preachy (especially in those teachable moments when they ask us questions about life) is what is important. We need to live a life for God before our children in all that we do and say. It may not seem like "enough" on first thought, but it is the example that God gives to us. Deuteronomy 6 comes to mind. In it, God told the Israelites to hear him, follow His ways, love Him above all, AND..."These words that I command you this day shall be in your heart. And you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way (going throughout daily business and travels), and when you lay down, and when you awake. And you shall bind them for a sign on your hand (in the works that you do), and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes, and you shall write them upon the posts of your house and on your gates." (Quotes added by me). I rest knowing that my prayers for my son are heard and will be met, that He is experiencing God from an early age--when he wakes up (we start off by thanking God for the day), when he goes to bed (we pray as led), and all the time in between (we talk about and do God's work in the midst of the curves that life throws). It is my goal to teach him how to interpret and view everything else in life--school, friends, TV, etc. through a Christ-like mindset.



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