
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Traditions for the Holidays

Almost every family has a tradition that they incorporate into their Holidays each year. Sometimes it's  simple like opening one gift on Christmas Eve (which was my Husband's family tradition) or going to  a church service  to hear the children's choir singing like angels (which was my tradition). A few years ago my mother-in-Love, Cindy, decided she wanted to incorporate more into our family traditions. She was at the Christian bookstore (Family Christian, I believe) and she saw this Lovely Jesus Christmas stocking. The stocking came with stationery and envelopes.She gifted both of her daughters (me and Rachel, Aaron's sister) with one. Every Christmas Eve, we sit  together as a family and write our *gift* to Jesus. They are things we intend to do to make God smile for the upcoming New year. It can be as small as remembering to read our word daily, or as large as helping another family throughout the year. Then we seal our envelopes and put them in the stockings. They hang with all of the other Christmas decorations, and get packed away when we take down the tree,until we open them next year. The whole family participates, even the small children. It's always fun to read what our focus for God and life was the year before. It's also fun to see who accomplished their goal or *gift*, and who didn't remember! lol. Each Christmas Eve we look forward to this. Now that we live in a different state, we have still keep our tradition alive with are own family. Our family has been  able to join us for most Christmas holidays, but our first year down here, we still continued with the tradition. What Christmas tradition does you family look forward to? The great thing about traditions is that  they don't have to be very old to be special. You can start something this year and by next year it becomes a tradition! So start today making your holiday as special as you want it to be.......and Don't forget to remember the True reason for the season.....Just a thought, but a Lovely one.

If you want to look  for the stocking, you may try


  1. I really love this stocking idea you have. What a wonderful tradition you have in the family. I just love the idea.
    May I wish you a very Happy Christmas and New Year and may I thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such nice comments! Hugs and Love Suex

  2. This is a great idea. One Christmas my mom wrote a play for our teen group and at the end we had little packages that each one in the congregation were given. They were to think of some gift to give to Jesus and then each came up to the front where there was a tree for them to hang their gift on. It was such a meaningful play- I wish I had that still after all these years!


  3. What a beautiful family tradition. Have a blessed Christmas and Happy New Year.




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